
Tuesday 10 February 2015

Kesar Badam Kulfi / Qulfi

Blogging Marathon # 49 , Week 2 Day : 1
Theme : Desserts in different form
Course : Dessert

Kulfi / Qulfi is popular frozen dessert of India. It is also referred as "Traditional Indian Ice cream" very popular in India, Pakistan, Burma, Bangladesh, Nepal and Middle east. Now adays you get kulfi in United States, Europe and Australia in Indian Restaurants.

Today am sharing one of the kulfi i,e, Kesar Badam Kulfi. There are many short cuts to this recipe but the taste varies and would to make it old traditional way by boiling milk on slow flame with flavours such as kesar, elaichi, rose etc. Milk is reduced to almost 1/3 quantity with sugar and then frozen in tightly sealed moulds. Traditionally it is made in kullar i.e. earthen pot or bowl.

My twist to the recipe is i have sugar Nutura Sugar free to make it diabetic version and also healthy version of the Kulfi.

Preparation time : 5 mins
Cooking time: 60 mins
Freezing time: over night
Serves : 4
Difficulty level : Medium

2 litres / 9 cups full cream milk
10 tbsp Sugar free or 15 palettes of sugar free
few strands kesar
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1 tbsp elaichi powder

  • Heat milk in non stick or thick bottom pan. bring it to boil. Reduce the flame, simmer and reduce to almost 3 cups.
  • Add sugar free and stir till it dissolves.
  • Heat 2 tbsp milk and soak saffron in it. Mix this to the reduced milk.
  • Add sliced almonds and elaichi powder to the milk mix.
  • Cook for a min and remove from flame.
  • Let it cool and pour in kulfi moulds. Tightly seal the moulds and freeze them in refrigerator.
  • To unmold place the mould in hot water for a min and demould the kulfi and serve. 
  • After the first boil, cook milk on slow flame continously stirring or else milk will burn at bottom.
  • You can also add mawa to thicken the milk.
  • Use of honey adds different nutty flavout to the kulfi but do not boil after adding honey.
  • Different flavours can be added such as Mango pulp. Pulp should be added only after it is completely cool or else the milk will curddle.
Hope you have enjoyed reading this post. Please take a minute to share your views and valuable comments. Regards, Briju Parthasarathy


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