
Wednesday 5 March 2014

Milk - Cake

Blogging Marathon # 38 Week 1 Day : 3
Theme : One dish, Different Country - Cakes from Around the World - Milk Cake
Course : Dessert

Milk cake is a rich cake made from Milk. Is mouth watering sweet specially made during Festival seasons, the Milk cake is most commonly confused with Kalakand, but Kalakand has a tone of golden brown colour to white just like Mysore pak has and milk cake are usually white or light cream in colour. This cake is very rich and healthy as it made from whole milk. This recipe is very easy to make as you need only very few ingredients and the end result is yummy and delicious sweet. The recipe is time consuming but as they say "Sabra ka phal Methi hota hai" so is the sweet.

Preparation time : 10 mins
Cooking time : 40 mins
Serves : 6 people
Difficulty level : Easy

Ingredients :
1 litre of Full cream Milk
1/4 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup sugar
1 tbsp ealichi (as per taste)
Sliced Pistachios for Garnish
Ghee for greasing the plate
1/2 Lemon juice

Other things required :
Non-stick pot
Plate to set the cake

Methods :

  • Heat milk in heavy bottom pan or Non-stick pan till it comes to boil on high flame.
  • Boil further for 5 mins on medium flame.
  • Add milk juice slowly, take care that the milk should not curdle instantly.
  • As the milk is boiling it shall slowly separate, this shall take 5 - 7 minutes to separate whey.
  • Remove the whey say around a cup inorder to avoid the after sour taste in the cake.
  • Continue to cook further till the whey evaporates. At this point add in cream and cook till cream is completely absorbed and the milk becomes grainy and dry.
  • Add in Sugar and cardamom powder and stir continuously. Cook till the mixtures moves with the spoon or leaves the sides of the pan.
  • Transfer the mix on to a greased pan. Spread it evenly using greased spatula or cup.
  • Sprinkle pista and press.
  • Let it set at room temperature for atleast 2 hrs.
  • Cut into wedges and serve.   

Notes :

  • Always use heavy bottom pan or if possible non-stick or else milk will scorch.
  • Add lemon juice very slowly, because the milk should not curdle instantly or else you will end up with the sour cake.
  • Remove some whey, reason a it shall help to cook quickly and reason b is the crumb's of milk shall stay soft.
  • Always cook on medium to low heat.

Hope you have enjoyed reading this post. Please take a minute to share your views and valuable comments. Regards,
Briju Parthasarathy


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