
Monday 3 March 2014

Eggless Strawberry Swiss Roll Cake - Biskuitroulade

Blogging Marathon # 38 Week 1 Day : 1
Theme : One dish, Different Country - Cakes from Around the World - British Rolled cake
Course : Dessert

While there have been many arguments as to the origin of the Swiss roll, it probably originated in Central Europe rather than in Switzerland.  The term Swiss roll to described a filled roll cake probably originated in Britain in the late 1880's, and is now popular usage all over the world.  The classic Swiss roll is a roll cake with a whipped cream filling, though jelly fillings and chocolate fillings are also very popular.

As a kid I always loved to have swiss roll cake or cream roll cake and thought that  one day I shall make it. Have earlier tried but it always resulted in a broken roll, and at theback of mind it was always there that I shall keep trying until I succeed, Making an eggless roll is a challenge as you don't get the perfect roll since it tends to break. I have tried several ways and found one interesting recipe at Kavitha's blog but had to modify the recipe since the original recipe resulted in a too sweet cake and also the roll was not perfect and was breaking.. The batter was too thick so had to add  milk to get proper consistency and reduce the cooking time. The modifications turned out very good, and the result is shown below.

Recipe Source : Food mania

Preparation time : 70 mins
Cooking time : 15 mins
Serves : 10" roll 4-5 people
Difficulty level : Difficult

Ingredients for Sponge Roll :
1 cup all purpose flour (APF) / Maida
1/2 cup sugar (as per taste)
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda / soda bi carbonate
pinch salt
1/3 cup thick curd
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup oil
1/2 tsp strawberry essence

Ingredients for Simple Syrup:
3 tbsp sugar
3 -4 tbsp water

Ingredients for Filling and Frosting :
1/4 cup Sugar free Strawberry jam / regular strawberry jam
3/4 cup  cold frosting cream/ heavy whipping cream or 1 sachet whipping cream

Other things required:
Sheet pan or Brownie pan
Grease proof paper / Butter paper
Bowl for mixing
Kitchen towel
Foil paper

Method for Sponge:
  • Preheat the oven at 150 c if using fan mode or else at 160 c if using normal OTG.
  • Line a sheet pan (10" x 13") with butter paper and grease the paper.
  • Sieve maida with salt and keep aside.
  • Grind sugar to powder.
  • In a bowl mix sugar and curd till sugar is dissolved
  • Add baking soda and powder in curd mix and let it sit for 5 mins. After 5 mins you will see lots of bubble forming and the curd mix will thicken.
  • Add oil, essence and mix well.
  • Stir in flour in cut and fold method, when the flour is incorporated well add milk and mix. Do not over do the batter.
  • Pour the batter in the prepared pan, tap the pan 2-3 times inorder to spread the cake mix and also to remove any air bubble.
  • Bake cake for 15 mins in Fan oven mode or for 20 mins in normal oven. Can check for tooth pick.
  • Once done remove pan from oven and let the cake cool in pan for 5 mins.

Method for Making simple syrup:
  • Mix sugar and water in small pan and heat it up for 3 - 4 mins or just till it starts boiling.
  • Can also use honey instead of sugar.

Method for Filling:
  • Heat jam till it melts. Transfer to a bowl and allow it to cool at room temperature.
  • For Frosting : Whip the chilled cream in pre chilled bowl. When you reach soft peak add in icing sugar as per taste and whip till you get hard peaks.
  • Refrigerate till further use. 

Method for Making the Roll:
  • Dust kitchen towel with powdered sugar.
  • Invert the cake roll on the towel, dust powdered sugar on top too.
  • Tightly roll the cake from one end and wrap till end. Allow it cool at room temperature.
  • Open the cake carefully, if the cake sticks to the towel gently pull of using knife.
  • Brush the simple syrup. Spread jam on the roll.
  • Spread the whipped cream leaving the sides atleast 1" from both the ends.
  • Carefully wrap the roll. Wrap again with foil paper lightly tightly so that the roll shapes well.
  • Refrigerate atleast for 1 hr.
  • After an hour remove the wrap and frost the roll completely.
  • Chill for 30 mins before serving. Make pattern with  the help of fork. just run the fork from top to bottom.
  • Serve on plate garnished with frosting net at base and strawberry fans.

Notes: Important points to remember while making Roulade:
  • Adding good quality of baking powder and soda is crucial as it is the only ingredient which will help the cake to rise.
  • As been a eggless cake it is necessary to soak it with syrup or else you might end up with the hard cake.
  • Always melt jam before spreading as the lumpy jam can break the cake layer.
  • Make sure to spread in thin layer as thick layer shall result in broken roll. Add tbsp of milk if you feel the batter is thick.
  • After 10 - 12 mins check the cake. Use tooth pick to check, if it comes out clean it is done. If it comes with some cake crumbs stuck to the toothpick means need more baking.
  • You will get the aroma of baked cake and this is the sign of perfectly baked cake.
  • Properly dust the cake and towel with powdered sugar or else it shall stick to towel and shall tear apart while unrolling
  • If the cake gets stuck with the towel don't pull the towel away from cake. Use knife to loosen the stuck cake from the roll carefully.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#38

Hope you have enjoyed reading this post. Please take a minute to share your views and valuable comments. Regards,
Briju Parthasarathy


  1. Wow! You have made it so well....Looks absolutely stunning :)

  2. yummy roulade and roulade is my most favorite one

  3. i have tried this twice and failed miserably! yours look perfect!!

    1. Hi Priya, even i failed twice before but every time i failed made some modification in the recipe and this recipe turned out to be perfect, had very minor cracks but i think it is normal to get minor cracks, the key is to tightly roll after applying cream and let it set atlest for 2 hrs to get nice roll.

  4. Swiss roll cake looks perfect !

  5. Fantastic job, wish i get a huge slice of this roulade, that too eggless am loving it.

  6. wow perfectly done strawberry roulade :) looks fantastic dear !!

  7. That is a very beautiful roll. You should be really proud of yourself. Kudos.

  8. Swiss roll cakes look perfect... Must definitely be a hit among kids....

  9. wanting to make it for such a long time... wish you had step wise.. looks so tempting

    1. Hi Sowmya thought of posting with step wise pic, but could not post as was not able to take snap while doing some steps like rolling the cake as am alone at home. But am sure that my detailed write up would make it easy. Very soon shall update the pics too. Thnks for your valuable comment and suggestion

  10. Looks like it has turned out very well..

  11. The Swiss roll looks really good.

  12. Absolutely delicious roulade..they turned out perfectly dear..

  13. great that you persevered and were able to perfect it

  14. Wow, that roulade looks absolutely perfect.. Lovely.

  15. if possible do provide step wise pic of this receipe

    1. Thanks and yes would provide the step wise pictures very soon.

  16. I used canned whipped cream for spreading but my cream got absorbed by the cake completely i guess because I just could not see it after taking it out from fridge.. I did not spread it on warm cake.. cake was at room temp..Any reason/suggestion?

    1. hi very sorry for so late reply.
      Have used a very thick layer of whipped cream so that it does not get absorbed completely. Please do not chill the cake before unrolling as this may break the cake roll. The cream needs to be whisked till nice stiff peaks. This should work or try some other cream.



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