
Tuesday 19 November 2013

Khajur Mawa Roll

Khajur Mawa Roll is very tasty, low in calories, nutritious recipe. Dates is a fruit which I believe every kid likes, as kid my mom used to make us eat pitted dates stuffed with as there is a say in Gujarat that dates is good for growing up kids as it is rich in iron, protein and fibres,helps to improve digestive system, lower bad cholesterol and last it gives warmth in winter which helps to boost your immune.

Monday 18 November 2013


Halwasan is one of the most popular sweet of Gujarat made from milk, wheat germ or semolina rich golden colour fudge. Halwasan was first introduced in 1905 by Ratilal Chunilal Halwai and his sweet shop is known as Ratilal Chunilal Halwasanvala, there are many varieties available and many claim that they make the best in the industry but no one can compete with them. Halwasan is what Mysorepak means to South Indian or what Sandesh is to Bengali's. It was my most favorite sweet of all, making this halwasan took me back to my childhood days, when we used to come to Gujarat for our holidays my dada used to bring this specially from Khambhat known as Cambay, he used to travel 50 kms just to bring this special sweet. In those days it was called as King of all sweets as it was the most expensive sweet of all. 

Sunday 17 November 2013

Toffee Bars

Diwali is not only festival of lights but also festival of joy and happiness, we have tradition of making sweets and savory not only for family members but also for friends and relatives. My friends wait for festivals as they know that they would get some treats from my place and expectations are also very high from me to produce something new and innovative from my kitchen. This Diwali was the most busy one for me, had so many projects running simultaneously  and  had loads of sweets to prepare.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Panki - A tribute to Tarla Dalal

Tarla Dalal ji was the diva of Indian Cuisine, Goddess of Indian Amateur Cooks, the most celebrated cookbook author of India. I don’t have words to describe her glory and achievements. She was an inspirer to many upcoming Cook book author’s, bloggers and I was very much influenced by her books, and started my cooking journey by referring her books. Tarla ji’s website is a hub of Indian & International Cuisine and series of Recipes under Categories such as Healthy Food, Diabetics Friendly, Kid’s recipes, Pregnancy recipes, Zero oil recipe and so on…
Often you will find that some people touch your lives without meeting them personally, on depart of such personalities you feel there is a permanent  vacuum which cant be filled and such was Tarla ji. I came to know about the news when I saw mail from our Blogging Marathon group. With the suggestion of our group member Padma it was decided that we would do a tribute by cooking something from her collection and logo was created by Preeti.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Easy Home made Granola

Granola is a breakfast and very popular snack in America consisting of rolled oats, nuts, dry fruits, honey and sometimes puffed rice is used, usually baked till crisp. They make for an easy breakfast on the run, snack  or filling addition to the lunch box. Unlike the store bought one's these are fresh and made from wholesome ingredients you like. These bars are semi soft without being cookie like and dont crumble.

Sargva na Thepla - Drumstick Leaves Thepla

In today's date we mom's are most worried about our children's health and growth as the diet have changed over years and addition of more and more artificial supplements are introduced from very early age. The age old traditions and Dadi Ama ke nuske is forgotten in the present world. Our kids have become fussy eaters, they need to be fed by disguising nutrient rich vegetables and food or preparing dishes in such a way that they dont know what is in the dish. I accept this has helped us to learn and adapt new cooking skills but how many mothers can do that. Srivalli has started a beautiful drive by creating Blogging Marathon which helps so many mothers out there to cook and feed their children with dishes loaded with nutrition and also help them to learn new ways of cooking.
One such dish is Sargva na Thepla i.e. Drumstick leaves Thepla this was my favorite dish when i was kid, it was like a custom to make this atleast every fornight and once we reached pubirtal age she used to make it more often especially as is richest source of Iron, Vitamin A.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Home made Self Raising Flour

If you run out of Self Raising flour or if the not available, here is the easy way to make your own.

Preparation time : 5 mis

Ingredients : 
All purpose flour / Madia
1 1/2 tsp Baking powder
1/2 tsp salt.

Tex Mex Veggie Scones

Tex Mex is a term describing regional American Cuisine using products available in USA nad using culinary creations of Mexican cuisine is a perfect fusion of Mexican dishes with American twist.

As we all know some kids are very fussy about eating and one such kid is my niece, I used to try every possible way  to feed her some veggies. It was a marathon to feed her. She used to eat stuffed things with cheese so i made these scones for her sports day. She knew that i have added some vegetables in this but could not remove them as they were so finely chopped that she had to eat it, when she came home from sports day, i was amazed to see that not a bit was left. It was a wow dish and all her friends relished it. So my sneaky and tricky way won and also here in Lagos the most demanded from my friends kid's especially for their day's out or events. Thanks to BM i could post this recipe which was in hidden treasures and am excited for my first post.

Cheese Dip

Yummy dip ideal for sandwich, scones, savory muffin, biscotti and puff's. Very easy to make under 10 mins. I ensure you kid would relish it and lick up the bowl.